[VCB-Studio] 刺客守则 / ASSASSINS PRIDE / アサシンズプライド 10-bit 1080p HEVC BDRip [Fin]

2024-05-28 06:46:16
File size:
13.6 GiB
Info hash:
![](https://img.2222.moe/images/2024/05/27/assassins_pride_800.webp) 刺客守则 / ASSASSINS PRIDE / アサシンズプライド BDRip 把总作画监督逼到跑路的旷世神作,原盘画质让人眼前一黑。 最大的问题是作画,线条质量惊为天人,总体画风很糊,但很多场景又有大量不均匀的毛刺和锯齿,感觉像画完草稿之后没把线条抹匀,这就使得线条处在一种糊且毛糙的神奇状态,加上时不时就能看到的振铃,一时间让人哭笑不得。除此之外全片还有较重的保护性噪点,在原盘中已经被压碎产生了较为难看的观感,降噪后又显露出了程度不一的色带,平面质量也属实让人难以恭维。 不过这些都是小问题,最令人发指的还是 OP。OP 的画质以卡为单位,卡与卡之间有极大的波动:有的卡画质很好,锯齿色带振铃问题均没有;有的卡则画质差到极点,部分特写的线条伴随令人发指的毛刺、振铃(参考第一组截图),另外还有欠码造成的蚊噪,常规处理已经回天乏术;还有一些卡和正片画质差不多,这部分还算好处理。 按一般情况,我们会在瑕疵修复和画质损失之间找到平衡点。然而 OP 是本片最出彩的部分了,放弃修复实属可惜。最后我们还是针对 OP 按卡进行了详细分段,根据每段的线条质量,针对性的使用了神经网络算法/逆向拉伸重构/常规抗锯齿,或其组合,对毛刺和锯齿进行了修复,并辅以不同强度的去振铃以提升观感。当然各位对于 OP 还是不要抱有太多期望,即使如此劳时费力,画质也只是修复到能看的程度。 至于正片和 ED,原生分辨率为 843.75p,我们主要采用了逆向拉伸重构、去色带、抗锯齿、去振铃和自适应降噪,由于正片实在太糊,我们对线条进行了针对性加深,以提升观感。 另外强烈建议大家去看下特典里的 Special Previews,可以看出总作监跑路之后制作组真正实现了回归本真放飞自我。 Abandoned by its own chief animation director, ASSASSINS PRIDE is truly a train wreck. The Blu-ray quality also almost gave me a heart attack. The biggest issue lies in the drawing and the animation. The lines and curves are horribly bad. The overall image looks blurry, yet random aliasing is so prevalent in many scenes - feels like the draft drawings weren't properly cleaned, so weirdly enough, the lines look both blurry and jaggy at the same time. Ringing is laughably common, too. In addition, a huge amount of protective noise was added, which wasn't treated properly during the Blu-ray production and looks bad already. De-noising just introduced more types of colour banding. The flat areas and colour blocks aren't any good either. You know what's the cherry on top? The OP, which we have to describe the quality by "cuts". They vary so wildly that, the good cuts are indeed so good with basically no aliasing, banding, or ringing problems at all, while some others look completely hopeless with severe aliasing, ringing (see first screenshot pair), and mosquito noise due to the lack of bit-rate. Routine processing simply cannot handle them. Nevertheless, there are a few cuts that resemble the main chapters, which aren't too hard to deal with. Generally speaking, our PP always aims for a balance between artifacts removal and preservation of the details. Because it's so rare to see craps like this OP, it'd be a crime not to try the absolute hardcore artifact removing techniques. We analysed the lines in each cut, then applied neural-network-based algorithms / de-scaling & reconstruction / routine anti-aliasing (or combos of the above) to repair the aliasing. De-ringing of various strengths was also used to improve the visuals. Having said that, please do not expect anything more than a barely tolerable watching experience. The main body and the ED has a native resolution of 843.75p. PP involved de-scaling & reconstruction, debanding, anti-aliasing, de-ringing and adaptive de-nosing. Given the overall look is too blurry, we slightly darkened the lines in the hope that they are a touch more pleasant to watch. Above all, I highly recommend watching the Special Previews (inside the SPs folder). You'll find how the mental status of the team shifted after the main animation director left. Spoilers alert, they gained real freedom. * * * 感谢所有参与制作者 / Thanks to our participating members: 总监 / Script: クーファ=ヴァンピール 压制 / Encode: メリダ=アンジェル 整理 / Collate: 雪之尽 发布 / Upload: Tom 分流 / Seed: VCB-Studio CDN 分流成员 感谢所有资源提供者 / Thanks to all resource providers: CDs:大空スバル@U2 * * * VCB-Studio 已不再保证收集作品相关 CD 和扫图资源,详情请参见 [https://vcb-s.com/archives/14331](https://vcb-s.com/archives/14331)。 Please refer to [https://vcb-s.com/archives/14331](https://vcb-s.com/archives/14331) for more information about that VCB-Studio will no longer guarantee to include relevant CDs and scans. 本组(不)定期招募新成员。详情请参见 [https://vcb-s.com/archives/16986](https://vcb-s.com/archives/16986)。 Please refer to [https://vcb-s.com/archives/16986](https://vcb-s.com/archives/16986) about information of our (un)scheduled recruitment. 播放器教程索引: [VCB-Studio 播放器推荐](https://vcb-s.com/archives/16639) 中文字幕分享区: [Anime 分享论坛](https://bbs.acgrip.com/) 项目计划与列表: [VCB-Studio 项目列表](https://vcb-s.com/archives/138) 特殊格式与说明: [WebP 扫图说明](https://vcb-s.com/archives/7949) * * * Comparison (right click on the image and open it in a new tab to see the full-size one) Source\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_Encode [![](https://img.2222.moe/images/2024/05/23/170s0.png)](https://img.2222.moe/images/2024/05/23/170.png) [![](https://img.2222.moe/images/2024/05/23/170s1.png)](https://img.2222.moe/images/2024/05/23/170v.png) [![](https://img.2222.moe/images/2024/05/23/1515s0.png)](https://img.2222.moe/images/2024/05/23/1515.png) [![](https://img.2222.moe/images/2024/05/23/1515s1.png)](https://img.2222.moe/images/2024/05/23/1515v.png) [![](https://img.2222.moe/images/2024/05/23/1657s0.png)](https://img.2222.moe/images/2024/05/23/1657.png) [![](https://img.2222.moe/images/2024/05/23/1657s1.png)](https://img.2222.moe/images/2024/05/23/1657v.png) [![](https://img.2222.moe/images/2024/05/23/4206s0.png)](https://img.2222.moe/images/2024/05/23/4206.png) [![](https://img.2222.moe/images/2024/05/23/4206s1.png)](https://img.2222.moe/images/2024/05/23/4206v.png) [![](https://img.2222.moe/images/2024/05/23/18827s0.png)](https://img.2222.moe/images/2024/05/23/18827.png) [![](https://img.2222.moe/images/2024/05/23/18827s1.png)](https://img.2222.moe/images/2024/05/23/18827v.png) [![](https://img.2222.moe/images/2024/05/23/19393s0.png)](https://img.2222.moe/images/2024/05/23/19393.png) [![](https://img.2222.moe/images/2024/05/23/19393s1.png)](https://img.2222.moe/images/2024/05/23/19393v.png) [![](https://img.2222.moe/images/2024/05/23/30753s0.png)](https://img.2222.moe/images/2024/05/23/30753.png) [![](https://img.2222.moe/images/2024/05/23/30753s1.png)](https://img.2222.moe/images/2024/05/23/30753v.png) [![](https://img.2222.moe/images/2024/05/23/32548s0.png)](https://img.2222.moe/images/2024/05/23/32548.png) [![](https://img.2222.moe/images/2024/05/23/32548s1.png)](https://img.2222.moe/images/2024/05/23/32548v.png)

File list

  • [VCB-Studio] ASSASSINS PRIDE [Ma10p_1080p]
    • CDs
      • [191127] 「Share the light」/Run Girls, Run! (flac)
        • 01. Share the light​.flac (30.1 MiB)
        • 02. キラリスト.ジュエリスト​.flac (36.3 MiB)
        • 03. スノウ.グライダー​.flac (29.3 MiB)
        • 04. Share the light (Instrumental)​.flac (29.2 MiB)
        • 05. キラリスト.ジュエリスト (Instrumental)​.flac (34.8 MiB)
        • 06. スノウ.グライダー (Instrumental)​.flac (27.4 MiB)
      • [191127] 「異人たちの時間」/メリダ=アンジェル (flac)
        • Cover.jpg (57.3 KiB)
        • EYCA12733.cue (473 Bytes)
        • EYCA12733.flac (106.8 MiB)
        • EYCA12733.log (5.3 KiB)
      • [200129] ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK (flac)
        • DISC 1
          • 01. 凍える雨​.flac (16.2 MiB)
          • 02. 隣にあなたがいる​.flac (8.2 MiB)
          • 03. 幻妖な囁き​.flac (10.0 MiB)
          • 04. お嬢様の純情​.flac (11.5 MiB)
          • 05. 落ちこぼれの強がり​.flac (12.3 MiB)
          • 06. 囚われた心​.flac (9.6 MiB)
          • 07. 疑心の韻律​.flac (8.9 MiB)
          • 08. 群がる死の手​.flac (14.9 MiB)
          • 09. 憤怒と踊る​.flac (23.9 MiB)
          • 10. 涙は枯れることを知らない​.flac (9.0 MiB)
          • 11. イン・ザ・ダーク​.flac (11.6 MiB)
          • 12. 荘厳な沈黙​.flac (11.6 MiB)
          • 13. マイ・リトル・レイディ​.flac (9.5 MiB)
          • 14. 深淵が覗く​.flac (11.6 MiB)
          • 15. 弾む足取り​.flac (9.8 MiB)
          • 16. 安らぎに包まれて​.flac (9.9 MiB)
          • 17. 暗殺者は笑う​.flac (13.9 MiB)
          • 18. ヤキモチと探偵と​.flac (7.9 MiB)
          • 19. お散歩日和ですよ​.flac (13.1 MiB)
          • 20. パパは陽気な貴族様​.flac (12.0 MiB)
          • 21. 優しい幕切れ​.flac (18.2 MiB)
          • 22. 忘却​.flac (8.3 MiB)
          • 23. 幸せに微睡む​.flac (12.3 MiB)
          • 24. 時計の針は錆びていて​.flac (9.9 MiB)
          • 25. 華麗なる者たち​.flac (11.3 MiB)
          • 26. 花妖精は舞い遊ぶ​.flac (10.1 MiB)
        • DISC 2
          • 27. 雛鳥と蛇​.flac (5.3 MiB)
          • 28. 潜む毒​.flac (10.2 MiB)
          • 29. 心浮き立つ晴れの日は​.flac (10.0 MiB)
          • 30. 異邦探訪​.flac (12.1 MiB)
          • 31. 這い寄る焦燥​.flac (14.9 MiB)
          • 32. 斬り結ぶ戦意​.flac (9.6 MiB)
          • 33. 虎口​.flac (10.7 MiB)
          • 34. 夜を駆ける​.flac (16.3 MiB)
          • 35. 追われる者たち​.flac (17.5 MiB)
          • 36. 陰者たちの夜話​.flac (9.5 MiB)
          • 37. 血の臭いがする​.flac (10.6 MiB)
          • 38. 戦乙女、風に舞う​.flac (14.0 MiB)
          • 39. 強者はただ見下ろす​.flac (13.6 MiB)
          • 40. 世界に示せその価値を!​.flac (16.4 MiB)
          • 42. 仮面の下の矜持​.flac (17.4 MiB)
          • 43. Share the light TV size​.flac (11.0 MiB)
          • 44. 愛をそそぐ​.flac (5.5 MiB)
          • 45. 常夜の夢物語​.flac (12.8 MiB)
          • 46. キンモクセイが香る​.flac (10.9 MiB)
          • 47. けがれのない願い​.flac (7.3 MiB)
          • 48. 異人たちの時間 TV size​.flac (8.6 MiB)
    • SPs
      • [VCB-Studio] ASSASSINS PRIDE [Menu01_1].png (3.0 MiB)
      • [VCB-Studio] ASSASSINS PRIDE [Menu01_2].png (3.1 MiB)
      • [VCB-Studio] ASSASSINS PRIDE [Menu01_3].png (3.0 MiB)
      • [VCB-Studio] ASSASSINS PRIDE [Menu01_4].png (3.0 MiB)
      • [VCB-Studio] ASSASSINS PRIDE [Menu01_5].png (3.1 MiB)
      • [VCB-Studio] ASSASSINS PRIDE [Menu02_1].png (3.0 MiB)
      • [VCB-Studio] ASSASSINS PRIDE [Menu02_2].png (3.1 MiB)
      • [VCB-Studio] ASSASSINS PRIDE [Menu02_3].png (3.0 MiB)
      • [VCB-Studio] ASSASSINS PRIDE [Menu02_4].png (3.0 MiB)
      • [VCB-Studio] ASSASSINS PRIDE [Menu02_5].png (3.0 MiB)
      • [VCB-Studio] ASSASSINS PRIDE [Menu03_1].png (2.9 MiB)
      • [VCB-Studio] ASSASSINS PRIDE [Menu03_2].png (3.0 MiB)
      • [VCB-Studio] ASSASSINS PRIDE [Menu03_3].png (2.9 MiB)
      • [VCB-Studio] ASSASSINS PRIDE [Menu03_4].png (2.9 MiB)
      • [VCB-Studio] ASSASSINS PRIDE [Menu03_5].png (2.9 MiB)
      • [VCB-Studio] ASSASSINS PRIDE [NCED][Ma10p_1080p][x265_flac].mkv (49.9 MiB)
      • [VCB-Studio] ASSASSINS PRIDE [NCOP][Ma10p_1080p][x265_flac].mkv (92.4 MiB)
      • [VCB-Studio] ASSASSINS PRIDE [Special Preview 02][Ma10p_1080p][x265_flac].mkv (21.4 MiB)
      • [VCB-Studio] ASSASSINS PRIDE [Special Preview 03][Ma10p_1080p][x265_flac].mkv (33.0 MiB)
      • [VCB-Studio] ASSASSINS PRIDE [Special Preview 04][Ma10p_1080p][x265_flac].mkv (22.6 MiB)
      • [VCB-Studio] ASSASSINS PRIDE [Special Preview 05][Ma10p_1080p][x265_flac].mkv (21.2 MiB)
      • [VCB-Studio] ASSASSINS PRIDE [Special Preview 06][Ma10p_1080p][x265_flac].mkv (24.3 MiB)
      • [VCB-Studio] ASSASSINS PRIDE [Special Preview 07][Ma10p_1080p][x265_flac].mkv (20.6 MiB)
      • [VCB-Studio] ASSASSINS PRIDE [Special Preview 08][Ma10p_1080p][x265_flac].mkv (22.6 MiB)
      • [VCB-Studio] ASSASSINS PRIDE [Special Preview 09][Ma10p_1080p][x265_flac].mkv (25.3 MiB)
      • [VCB-Studio] ASSASSINS PRIDE [Special Preview 10][Ma10p_1080p][x265_flac].mkv (25.3 MiB)
      • [VCB-Studio] ASSASSINS PRIDE [Special Preview 11][Ma10p_1080p][x265_flac].mkv (27.9 MiB)
      • [VCB-Studio] ASSASSINS PRIDE [Special Preview 12][Ma10p_1080p][x265_flac].mkv (12.5 MiB)
    • Scans
      • Vol.1
        • booklet
          • 01.webp (6.3 MiB)
          • 02.webp (7.0 MiB)
          • 03.webp (5.0 MiB)
          • 04.webp (5.6 MiB)
        • BOX 01.webp (3.3 MiB)
        • BOX 02.webp (2.9 MiB)
        • BOX 03.webp (115.9 KiB)
        • BOX 04.webp (88.3 KiB)
        • BOX 05.webp (54.3 KiB)
        • COVER.webp (4.6 MiB)
        • DISC.webp (665.2 KiB)
        • NOVEL 01.webp (2.6 MiB)
        • NOVEL 02.webp (719.0 KiB)
        • PACK 01.webp (6.2 MiB)
        • PACK 02.webp (8.0 MiB)
      • Vol.2
        • booklet
          • 01.webp (6.7 MiB)
          • 02.webp (6.3 MiB)
          • 03.webp (4.5 MiB)
          • 04.webp (5.3 MiB)
        • BOX 01.webp (3.1 MiB)
        • BOX 02.webp (4.0 MiB)
        • BOX 03.webp (130.0 KiB)
        • BOX 04.webp (98.6 KiB)
        • BOX 05.webp (71.3 KiB)
        • COVER.webp (4.7 MiB)
        • DISC.webp (659.5 KiB)
        • NOVEL 01.webp (2.7 MiB)
        • NOVEL 02.webp (678.5 KiB)
        • PACK 01.webp (6.0 MiB)
        • PACK 02.webp (8.1 MiB)
      • Vol.3
        • booklet
          • 01.webp (6.8 MiB)
          • 02.webp (6.3 MiB)
          • 03.webp (5.1 MiB)
          • 04.webp (5.1 MiB)
        • BOX 01.webp (3.2 MiB)
        • BOX 02.webp (2.4 MiB)
        • BOX 03.webp (121.3 KiB)
        • BOX 04.webp (79.5 KiB)
        • BOX 05.webp (70.6 KiB)
        • COVER.webp (4.1 MiB)
        • DISC.webp (665.0 KiB)
        • NOVEL 01.webp (2.5 MiB)
        • NOVEL 02.webp (743.8 KiB)
        • PACK 01.webp (6.1 MiB)
        • PACK 02.webp (7.9 MiB)
    • [VCB-Studio] ASSASSINS PRIDE [01][Ma10p_1080p][x265_flac].mkv (1.0 GiB)
    • [VCB-Studio] ASSASSINS PRIDE [02][Ma10p_1080p][x265_flac].mkv (968.4 MiB)
    • [VCB-Studio] ASSASSINS PRIDE [03][Ma10p_1080p][x265_flac].mkv (1.1 GiB)
    • [VCB-Studio] ASSASSINS PRIDE [04][Ma10p_1080p][x265_flac].mkv (992.7 MiB)
    • [VCB-Studio] ASSASSINS PRIDE [05][Ma10p_1080p][x265_flac].mkv (1.0 GiB)
    • [VCB-Studio] ASSASSINS PRIDE [06][Ma10p_1080p][x265_flac].mkv (1.0 GiB)
    • [VCB-Studio] ASSASSINS PRIDE [07][Ma10p_1080p][x265_flac].mkv (1.0 GiB)
    • [VCB-Studio] ASSASSINS PRIDE [08][Ma10p_1080p][x265_flac].mkv (1.1 GiB)
    • [VCB-Studio] ASSASSINS PRIDE [09][Ma10p_1080p][x265_flac].mkv (1.1 GiB)
    • [VCB-Studio] ASSASSINS PRIDE [10][Ma10p_1080p][x265_flac].mkv (979.0 MiB)
    • [VCB-Studio] ASSASSINS PRIDE [11][Ma10p_1080p][x265_flac].mkv (1000.9 MiB)
    • [VCB-Studio] ASSASSINS PRIDE [12][Ma10p_1080p][x265_flac].mkv (904.0 MiB)
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